Intel oblikuje budućnost tehnologije

Intel je vodeća kompanija u dizajniranju i proizvodnji osnovnih proizvoda i tehnologija koje pogone cloud te sve pametniji i sve umreženiji svijet. Intel pruža računalne, mrežne i komunikacijske platforme širokom spektru korisnika uključujući OEM proizvođačima, original design manufacturers (ODMs), cloud i komunikacijskim pružateljima usluga kao i raznim industrijama te proizvođačima komunikacijske i automobilske opreme.

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Intel također postavlja novi standard za korporativnu odgovornost pokrečući smislene promjene kroz svoju globalnu mrežu. Od naprednih klimatskih inicijativa do raznolikosti i inkluzivnosti Intel ujedinjuje partnere kupce, korisnike te svoj globalni portfelj kako bi ostvario značajne promjn.

Intel Desktop processors

Desktop Processors

Deploy powerful edge AI solutions with more cores, threads, and I/O, build Powerful Multitasking Platforms for AI Solutions at the Edge with the latest generations of the Intel® Core™ Processors.


Intel Server processors

Server Processors

Designed for AI, HPC, database, networking and storage, Intel® Xeon® Processors offer workload-optimized performance and maximum power efficiency.

Intel® XEON® Scalable Processors


Intel Graphics


Bring captivating visuals and supercharged graphics to enhance еру gaming experience, assist with content creation, or boost the performance of AI and media processing workloads at the edge.

Intel® Arc™ Graphics


Intel Ethernet and Networking

Ethernet and Networking

Explore a wide portfolio of high performance, flexible networking and ethernet products that meet the demands of cloud, telecom, enterprise, storage for edge-to-cloud network connectivity.

Intel® Network and Ethernet Products


Partner Loyalty Program

Partner Loyalty Program

Pristupom Intel® Partner Alliance programu, ostvarujete pristup naprednim programima edukacije i stjecanju kompetencija, nagradnim programima kao i naprednom web iskustvu koje Vam pruža dodatni alat u prodaji najinovativnijih proizvoda, rješenja i usluga.


ASBIS Assist Pro 

ASBIS Assist Pro

Join the special assistance service for Intel customers. ASBIS Assist Pro is an advanced helpdesk to provide comprehensive support for authorized Intel® Partner Alliance members. Program benefits: • Dedicated Expert • Training opportunities • Expert alerts and notifications • Simplified points redemption • Exclusive points promotions

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